■■■■ 보배 독점 공개!! NISSAN SKYLINE GTR ■■■■
▶판매자 한마디
Nissan 2009 GT-R 차량을 판매합니다.
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당사 정비공장 보유중이기에 판매차량에 대한 A/S및 보증은 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
자세한 문의는 전화 주시면 상세히 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
▶본 차량 상태설명
- 우핸들
- 2009년식
- 2도어 쿠페
- 4인승 차량
- 무주행 신차
- 얼티메이트 메탈 실버
▶적용된 표준 장비
- 앞좌석 히팅시트
- BOSE 사운드 시스템
- Thatcham 준거차량 도난방지 시스템
- 레이즈제 알루미늄 단조 휠 (다크 크롬 컬러 코트)
▶옵션 장비
- 닛산 GT-R 전용 플로어 카페트
- 얼티메이트 메탈 실버 4코트 메탈릭
▶A/S 및 보증
- 소모품 4회 교환
- 2년 4만Km 보증서 발급
- 쌍용화재보험 가입증서 발급
- 앞, 뒤 브레이크 패드 1회 교환
- 자체 보유 Transporter로 픽업 서비스 가능
▶International Prestige Cars Dealership RECKLESS KOREA 전시 판매 차량
레크리스 코리아에서는 유럽, 아메리카, 일본을 중심으로 세계각국의 프레스테이지 카를
직수입 판매하고 있습니다. 신형차와 희소가치가 높은 프레미엄 카등을 독자적인 네트워크를
통해 신속하게 인도 가능하게 하고 있습니다.
▲전시장 위치 : 서울시 광진구 광장동 워커힐 아파트 입구
▲판매자: 원과장 ☎ 010-2873-1118 / 02-569-7623 (언제든지 상담 가능합니다)
▶차랑제원(본 차량과 다소 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.)
Engine Code : V6 3.8L, DOHC 24Valve 트윈터보 61.0kg.m
Peak Power : 480ps / 6,800rpm
Peak Torque : 58.0kgm/1,700 – 5,600rpm
Transmission : SMG (Sequential Mechanical Greanox_ of Getrag
0-100km/h : 3.8s
Top Speed : 315km/h
레이아웃 : 앞엔진, AWD, 2도어 4인승 쿠페
변속기 : 시퀀셜 6단 트윈클러치
중량 : 1720kg
휠베이스 2778mm
길이 x 너비 x 높이 : 4650 x 1894 x 1371mm
CO2 배출량 : 318g/km
연비 (시내/고속도로) : 6.4/8.9km/L
Details : The engine powering the new GR-R will be extremely lightweight compared to engines of similar capacity and complexity. Titanium intake valves and magnesium alloy exhaust valves will be used as well as a version of the new VVEL (Variable Valve Event and Lift) technology as used in the V36 Skyline Coupe. Ted line is from 7,600rpn, with a 7,800rpm rev limit. Even after peak power has been achieved at 6,800rpm, 90% of maximum power will still be available from 6,800 – 7,500rpm with the power curve staying virtually flat from 6,800rpm to red line. The secret to the GT-R’s speed is in it’s ability to obtain peak torque at such low revs, as well as a very usable spread of power right across the rev range. There is even mention of the engine being designed for a maximum power output of 600ps, but being detuned to 480ps for production.
The engine powering the 2008 GT-R is not part of the VQ family… Holiday Auto have reportedly been told that the engine appearing in the new GT-R has a ‘VR’ designation, leading them to believe that it has a strong connection to the VRH35L from the Nissan R390 that contested the Le Mans 24 Hour endurance race! We’ll have more on this soon.
Wide Angle HID :
In a world first, Nissan have developed new wide angle HID head lights for the GR-R, throwing light out to the sides of the car much more effectively than current HID head light. The new HUDs reportedly allow up to 60m visibility ahead of the vehicle which will coincide with other advanced safety features to help the driver to avoid collisions.
‘Premium Midship’ Platform:
Nissan have a catch phrase for the platform of the new GT-R, they call it ‘Premium Midship’. Weight has been concentrated between the front and rear wheels to make it the ultimate handling package, it being the latest and greatest incarnation of Nissan’s FM platform.
Details concerning turbo boost Levels (1.5kgf/cm2), lightweight engine parts (magnesiu, cam covers, timing chain case and oil pan, aluminium intake manifold), high response turbochargers and carbon bonnet were also mentioned briefly. There are only a few more pieces of the GT-R jigsaw puzzle to go new…